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A dumb JavasScript bundler for Single Page Application, dumber than you and me.

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dumber is very different than other bundlers.

While all others are packed with seemingly necessary features to deliver bundling, dumber does only one thing: bundling resources, and does it well.

dumber stays small and humble, leaves most other tasks to gulp eco-system. It gains enormous flexibility by doing less and giving up control, following the old Unix philosophy which is largely and sadly ignored by current software landscape where many big all-in-one solutions build their walled gardens.

  • No transpiling, because gulp-babel and gulp-typescript took care of that.
  • No minimization, because gulp-terser took care of that.
  • No dev server, our scaffold uses standard Nodejs http(s) server with few middlewares.
  • Not even writing file, because gulp.dest() took care of that.

One unique feature:

Which enables:


dumber is licensed under the MIT license.


dumber used some code from requirejs, aurelia-pal, aurelia-cli, aurelia-templating-resources, style-loader, and node-libs-browser.