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paths: {
  'foo': 'another/module-id/for/foo'

Paths is an option for dumber-module-loader. dumber bundler passes the option to dumber-module-loader config.

It’s similar to original RequireJS paths option, but simplified.

  1. supports absolute path like "foo": "/foo".
  2. supports normal “foo”: “common/foo”, resolve foo/bar/lo to common/foo/bar/lo. Note we treat common/foo/bar/lo as the real module id, it could result to an existing known module, otherwise go through remote fetch.
  3. doesn’t support "foo": ["common/foo", "shared/foo"] the fail-over array.
  4. relative module resolution is simplified. This is a breaking change from RequireJS. We changed the behaviour because we think our behaviour is less surprising.

Some explanation:

When you map "foo" to a relative path like "another/foo", it treats the relative path as a module id. The module "another/foo" is either already bundled in bundle file, or will be fetched at runtime from remote.

The remote fetching of "another/foo" is relative to baseUrl (/dist by default), so that it will fetch remote resource /dist/another/foo.js (appended .js since the module id has no file extension) at runtime.

When you map "foo" to a absolute path like "/foo", the remote fetch will ignore baseUrl setting, and fetches /foo.js directly.

The module resolution breaking change is illustrated in the following example.

define('common/foo', ['./bar'], function (bar) { /* ... */ });
requirejs.config({paths: {'foo': 'common/foo'}});
requirejs(['foo'], function (foo) {
  // Note the deep relative dependency on './bar':
  // RequireJS resolves './bar' to 'bar', it respects the original 'foo'.
  // dumber-module-loader resolves './bar' to 'common/bar', it respects
  // the real module id 'common/foo'.