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Bundler Overview

Let’s start with a better understanding on bundler.

Demystify bundling

Don’t let those huge bundlers terrify you. The core business of a bundler is just doing two things:

  1. Trace. Static analysis on code, find dependencies, bring them all in.
  2. Pack. Concatenate files together.

Why they are huge? Because they added lots of features on top of the core business, like transpiling, dev server, minimization, …

Dumber is dumb

dumber does none of those, it’s all about trace and pack, aka bundling.

The total code in core dumber is just less than 4 thousand lines of JavasScript (includes dumber, gulp-dumber, dumber-module-loader, modify-code, and ast-matcher). There are additional 200 lines in aurelia-deps-finder to support classic Aurelia in dumber.

dumber downgrades bundling to be a tiny step in gulp pipeline, and let gulp to take the centre stage. This humble design gained enormous flexibility with existing tools in gulp.

There is not much to learn about dumber because of the small feature set. Users need to learn gulp. Gulp is the “shell”. Your knowledge on gulp can be applied to the generic tasks beyond just bundling.

No main (aka entry) module

Every other popular bundlers start bundling with a main module such as src/main.ts. They recursively trace and bring in all other files. It’s inevitable for them to support transpiling, because they need to perform transpiling when bringing in new raw file.

dumber doesn’t do transpiling. In the build task showed in previous page, you do proper transpiling on local files first, then feed them to dumber.

dumber only automatically brings in required npm package files. That assumes that all npm package files require no transpiling. For your local source files, dumber only double checks inner dependency. It warns you when a local dependency is not fulfilled (for example, src/app.js requires module ./foo, but file src/foo.js was not fed to dumber).

dumber is very passive on local source files. This design is to support runtime module requiring with least configuration. When a local dependency is missing, dumber only warns you but still goes ahead. The resulted bundle file(s) will have some missing modules. In app running time, dumber-module-loader (an AMD module loader) will try to load those missing modules from remote. For example, you can ship an app with missing client-config.json, then supply a different client-config.json for every clients. We will explain more on this feature in later chapters.

In fact, dumber doesn’t even need to know the entry module of the app.

  1. Feed all the transpiled local sources files src/**/*.{js,...} to dumber.
  2. dumber traces and packs all of them plus required npm packages.
  3. To dumber, the entry module needs to be identified at app running time, but not bundling time.

The entry module can be marked in html file using traditional RequireJS way. By default, dumber treats src/ as the local source folder, the module name for src/main.js is main, the module name for src/foo/bar.js is foo/bar.

Following example uses src/main.js as the entry module.

<script src="dist/entry-bundle.js" data-main="main"></script>

Or you can explicitly start any module (or a list of modules).

<script src="dist/entry-bundle.js"></script>

dumber uses dumber-module-loader. This AMD module loader inherited many RequireJS features and APIs. The two examples above use standard RequireJS feature which dumber-module-loader supports.

No multi-versions of same npm package

This is an important difference between dumber and the other bundlers. dumber didn’t exactly follow Nodejs module resolution, it doesn’t support multiple versions of same npm package. When there is a version conflict in some depended npm package, dumber simply bundles the top level node_modules/a-npm-package/ version which is the most common version in your app’s dependencies tree.

This simplified approach is a design decision with both Pros and Cons.

  • Pros: dumber doesn’t bundle duplicated npm package.
  • Cons: dumber doesn’t bundle duplicated npm package.

In our opinion, the Pros is more important.

This means your app could suffer runtime exception when some code expects a different incompatible version of a npm package. The recommendation is to keep your runtime dependencies small and avoid outdated 3rd party libraries.

When you could find a common version in the duplicated npm package to work well with all other code, you can force that version in your app’s package.json.

For example, you have 3rd party libraries use mix of chalk v3 and chalk v2, and npm resolved the most common version to chalk v3. You can enforce dumber to bundle chalk v2 instead of chalk v3 into your app by forcing the top level npm package to chalk v2:

# Install chalk v2 and add it to package.json
npm install chalk@2