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Migrate from aurelia-cli

dumber was created as a total rewrite of the aurelia-cli built-in bundler.

dumber offers few advantages over the original aurelia-cli built-in bundler.

  1. Not specific to Aurelia any more, dumber is a generic bundler.
  2. Fixed compatibility with various npm packages which is impossible for aurelia-cli due to architecture flaw.
  3. Greatly simplified configuration.

Aurelia 2 uses dumber as an alternative offering besides webpack. aurelia-cli built-in bundler will be only maintained to support Aurelia 1.

It’s definitely not required for the users of aurelia-cli to migrate to dumber, as aurelia-cli will be continuously supported. However dumber does offer the above improvements that users might want to try out.

This guide highlights few key differences between aurelia-cli built-in bundler and dumber to help user to migrate their Aurelia 1 project over.

Start a dumber Aurelia project

For Aurelia 1, use npx makes dumberjs, then choose “Aurelia”.

For Aurelia 2, use official skeleton npx makes aurelia, then choose “Custom Aurelia 2 App”, choose “Dumber”.


aurelia-cli built-in bundler uses aurelia_project/aurelia.json to centralise configuration. It created quite a few confusion, plus non-intuitive condition syntax inside JSON.

dumber has no centralised configuration file. User configures everything directly in gulp tasks.

Source files

In your local gulpfile.js, user can modify the source files directly.

function build() {
  return merge2(
    gulp.src('src/**/*.json', {since: gulp.lastRun(build)}),
    gulp.src('src/**/*.html', {since: gulp.lastRun(build)}),

Conditional logic

aurelia-cli’s aurelia_project/aurelia.json has some condition logic like:

"minify": "stage & prod",


  "name": "aurelia-testing",
  "env": "dev"

dumber doesn’t need them. User directly uses code to control the logic in gulp tasks.

.pipe(gulpif(isProduction, terser({compress: false})))
  deps: [
    // falsy value is ignored in deps array.
    process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' && 'any-npm-package-name',
  // ...

Note you actually doesn’t need to use the above conditional dependency to support aurelia-testing. dumber understands NODE_ENV, user can directly do conditional dependency in code. See NODE_ENV for more details.

if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {

Note, same as aurelia-cli built-in bundler, dumber understands all Aurelia conventions (through package aurelia-deps-finder). Users do not need to use PLATFORM.moduleName() wrapper.

Entry bundle file name

The default entry bundle file name is now “entry-bundle.js”, not “vendor-bundle.js”. See entry-bundle for more details.

Prepend and append

“prepend” and “append” are now configured on dumber bundler instance, not on the entry bundle. See prepend-and-append for more details.

Explicit dependencies

“deps” (or “dependencies”) is now configured on dumber bundler instance, not on the entry bundle.

The shape of dependency config also changed.

Previously in aurelia-cli:

  "name": "npm-package-name",
  "path": "../node-modules/npm-package-path", // optional
  "main": "main/file.js" // optional

It’s now:

  name: 'npm-package-name',
  location: 'node-modules/npm-package-path', // optional
  main: 'main/file.js' // optional

The “path” has been changed to “location”, this is to match original RequireJS configuration. Also, the “location” is relative to project root folder, not the project “src/” folder as the “path” related to.

Previously aurelia-cli also support "path": "../node-modules/path/and/main.js". dumber doesn’t support the merged file path, user needs both “location” and “main”.

See deps for more details.

Code split

aurelia-cli had very tedious bundles configuration, dumber reduced it to a simple callback. See codeSplit for more details.

Hashed bundle file name

For updating index.html with hashed bundle file name, see hash and onManifest for more details.