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codeSplit: function(moduleId, packageName) {
  // return a bundle name or nothing (default to entry bundle)

With the help from an AMD module loader, dumber-module-loader, the code split is intuitive and flexible.

dumber doesn’t support special instructions in the source code to inform the bundler how to split code (or so called chunks). dumber supports arbitrary code split regardless of the code.

The optional codeSplit callback is called for every single module, it takes two arguments:

  1. moduleId:
    • For local src file src/foo/bar.js, the module id is foo/bar.js.
    • For local src file src/foo/bar.css (or any other non-js file), the module id is foo/bar.css.
    • For npm package file node_modules/foo/bar.js, the module id is foo/bar.js.
    • For scoped npm package file node_modules/@scoped/foo/bar.js, the module id is @scoped/foo/bar.js.
  2. packageName:
    • For any local src file, the package name is undefined.
    • For npm package file node_modules/foo/bar.js, the package name is foo.
    • For scoped npm package file node_modules/@scoped/foo/bar.js, the package name is @scoped/foo.

It should return a bundle name for the current module, or return nothing which implicitly means the entry bundle.

Here are few examples to show case the flexibility.

Separate local files from npm packages.

  1. Bundle all local sources in app-bundle.js.
  2. Bundle all npm packages in entry-bundle.js.
codeSplit: function(moduleId, packageName) {
  if (!packageName) return 'app-bundle';

Separate local routes.

  1. Bundle all local common files in app-bundle.js.
  2. Assume the app has dedicated folders for every routes, bundle the routes into separate bundles, name after the route name.
  3. Bundle all npm packages in entry-bundle.js.
codeSplit: function(moduleId, packageName) {
  if (!packageName) {
    const parts = moduleId.split('/');
    // All src/foo/** to foo-bundle
    if (parts.length > 1) return parts[0] + '-bundle';
    return 'app-bundle';

Note, when you have some above-surface modules, they starts with "../", so you would need:

if (parts.length > 1 && parts[0] !== '..') return parts[0] + '-bundle';

Use dedicated bundles for few big npm packages.

  1. Bundle all local sources in app-bundle.js.
  2. Bundle codemirror npm package to codemirror-bundle.js.
  3. Bundle all npm packages starts with “aurelia-“ to aurelia-bundle.js.
  4. Bundle all other npm packages in entry-bundle.js.
codeSplit: function(moduleId, packageName) {
  if (!packageName) return 'app-bundle';
  if (packageName === 'codemirror') return 'codemirror-bundle';
  if (packageName.startsWith('aurelia-')) return 'aurelia-bundle';

Circular Dependency

CommonJS and ESM (esnext) module formats support circular dependencies. The reference AMD module loader RequireJS cannot support all scenarios of circular dependencies. Neither are many other AMD loader implementations.

dumber-module-loader fully supports circular dependencies, as long as they are in one bundle file (so that circular dependencies can be resolved synchronously).

Circular dependency usually happens within one npm package where two or more files requiring (or importing) each other. (It doesn’t make sense for two npm packages to depend on each other.) For this reason, although dumber’s code split supports separating the internal files of one npm package into multiple bundle files, it’s recommended not doing so.