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deps: []

An optional array of dependencies. User can use this option to forcefully add explicit dependencies, or override default location or main file of a npm package.

This option supports an aliased name “dependencies”.

Supported dependency input

A simple npm package name

deps: ['jquery']

This forcefully bundles jquery npm package even when the user code didn’t explicit import it.

A package name with modified location

deps: [ {name: 'jquery', location: '../my-local-jquery-fork'} ]

This will bundle jquery package from a locale folder relative to the project root.

A package name with modified main

deps: [ {name: 'jquery', main: 'dist/jquery.min.js'} ]

This will use jquery package’s dist/jquery.min.js as the main file instead of dist/jquery.js set by jquery package.json main field.

Note, main and location can be used together.

Package alias

Alias is just a flexible use case of “a package name with modified location”.

deps: [ {name: 'foo', location: 'node_modules/bar'} ]

This will use npm package bar as if it’s foo.

Note this changes the module id assignment. File node_modules/bar/index.js will now be assigned with module id foo/index.js instead of bar/index.js.

Conditional dependency

Similar to prepend and append, dumber ignores falsy values in deps.

deps: [
 process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' && 'aurelia-testing',
 process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' && {
   name: 'foo',
   location: '../local/foo'

Lazy Main

By default, explicit dependencies force dumber to bundle its main file. This is usually what you want.

By sometimes, your code didn’t use the main file but some other file in the npm package. For example, your code only uses lodash/map (which resolves to map.js in lodash package), but you have a special modified lodash package.

deps: [
  {name: 'lodash', location: '../my-lodash'}

This explicit dependency will force dumber not only bundle map.js of lodash, but all other files that lodash main file requires.

To skip the main file and only bundle lodash/map, use lazyMain: true.

deps: [
  {name: 'lodash', location: '../my-lodash', lazyMain: true}

Note if you had this lazyMain dep in dumber config, but didn’t require any lodash module (lodash or lodash/some-module) in your code, dumber would not bundle any lodash file.


For traditional JavaScript libraries that do not support any module format (AMD, UMD, CommonJS or ESM). We can use shim to wrap it into an AMD module.

This is very rare in current JavaScript landscape. Popular JavaScript libraries all support one of the module formats. There is no need of shim configuration.

If you still need to use some outdated legacy JavaScript libraries, you can use RequireJS shim confugration to wrap it.

Three options in shim configuration:

  • deps (optional) an array of strings. This is an array of dependencies which must be loaded and available before the legacy library can be evaluated.
  • exports (optional) string. This is the name of the global variable that should be used as the exported value of the module.
    • for example “exports: ‘lorem’” will set window.lorem with this module value.
  • wrapShim (optional, try this if normal shim does not work) a bookean. wrap the legacy code in a function. This will delay the execution of the legacy code to module loading time.

Take tempusdominus-bootstrap-4 as an example, it uses browser globals instead of any module format.

deps: [
    "name": "tempusdominus-bootstrap-4",
    "deps": [
    "wrapShim": true

So that user can do import 'tempusdominus-bootstrap-4'; in code.

Shim configuration could be confusion for users not familiar with AMD module format. When you work with legacy JavaScript libraries, the other easier alternative is to use prepend.

Prepend puts the JavaScript libraries before AMD module loader kicked in, they behaves like <script> tags before entry-bundle file.

For example, you can either use prepend:

prepend: [

Or just use <script> tags:

<script src="/path/to/jquery.js"></script>
<script src="/path/to/popper.js"></script>
<script src="/path/to/bootstrap.js"></script>
<script src="/path/to/moment.js"></script>
<script src="/path/to/tempusdominus-bootstrap-4.js"></script>

<script src="/dist/entry-bundle.js" data-main="main"></script>